‘A Different format for discovering a worthwhile resource…or valuable employer’
The Institute does not formally undertake recruitment (plenty of people already active in that sphere) however it does alert to occasional job roles/job seeker availability/opportunity – and seek to set up informal coffee chats (rather than interviews)
In a few instances, the Institute has been pleased to be ‘part’ of introducing an employer company to an important resource or vice-versa. In essence, with individuals well-known to the Institute, it becomes a form of ‘referee’ for the member – in terms of their experience and skillset – to the potential employer.
Usually, the introduction occurs over a cup of coffee and a chat – rather than a more formal interview. There is no cost.
Where an employer elects to employ, the fee paid to the Institute is $1,650 – 00 including GST.
Companies offering specific job roles are invited here